Primarius Blog - Excel beginners course - contact Sheridan Business School

Muriel Oliver
Current event | 14 Mar 2024

Want to learn more about Excel and not sure where to start?  Here is an option from Sheridan Business School (which is just down the road from our office) located near McIver Train station.

The course will cover the following areas:

  1. Opening an Excel Workbook
  2. Understanding Excel Interface
  3. Adjusting Formatting
  4. Applying Mathematics Operations

In our office, we use Excel as a daily tool and we recommend that anyone wanting to work in the financial services industry has some good solid basic Excel skills, and this is a great way to get that experience!

Find out more about Sheridan Institute of Higher Education on their website - just click here.

Disclaimer: Whilst we are passionate about great training,work experiences and relationships, we are not Human Resources (HR) or career guidance experts and this information is general in nature. So, before acting on this or any other information, it is important to seek professional advice related directly to you and your circumstances. 

“Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation”

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