Primarius Blog - Overdue tax? Act now!

Muriel Oliver
News | 6 Jan 2022

From time to time, we come across taxpayers that have overdue tax obligations and our advice is always to act immediately. Not only does this mean they are on the road to meeting their lodgement obligations but also takes the stress and anxiety out of the situation.

The first step is always to assess the situation and determine the next steps.  Sometimes it is as simple as preparing the returns and paying the tax before lodgement (to avoid/minimise penalties and interest) and other times it is more complicated and necessary to prepare everything. lodge and then arrange a payment plan with the ATO.

So, if you have overdue lodgement obligations, contact us at we have assisted many businesses and individuals in taking the stress out of their accounting, bookkeeping and tax obligations and are well equipped to assist in systemising with practical solutions to make the process efficient and keep costs down.

Delaying is dangerous - the ATO is issuing default notices of assessment so do not get caught in this trap.


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