Primarius Blog - Keeping data secure

Muriel Oliver
News | 4 Jun 2020

Keeping your data secure is vital.

  1. Cybercrime - Read about the update we recently received from a firm in another industry on Cybercrime - an accident waiting to happen.
  2. Backups - We had our own brush with IT issues many years ago when our backups failed, but we had no idea until we did an internal check. We discovered that the warning email was going to our Tech supplier, but alas to a previous employee's email! Needless to say, we changed our IT set up immediately and fortunately, we have the capability to deal with this in-house.  We have now taken this to an enterprise-level and put ourselves in the best position moving forward. 
  3. Tools available - we have been able to avail ourselves of many tools available.
  4. Password bank - we use a robust and secure password application that provides us with a proven way to protect our secrets and our client's privacy.

If you have any questions, we would be happy to assist or advise on any solutions we are aware of, just send your questions to 


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