Primarius Blog - Protecting your team from false urgency

Muriel Oliver
Current event | 3 Nov 2023

We all know how easy it is for something minor to suddenly become a critical emergency - the old storm in a teacup. I remember years ago when we had just set up our business someone sent us a demand to pay by fax (those days!) and I walked in to find everyone literally running around in square circles panicking.  Being somewhat confused I requested the document only to find it had been sent to the wrong fax number and had nothing to do with us - what a dumpster fire!

The team at Harvard Business Review (HBR) published this great article recently - Protect Your Team from False Urgency

Disclaimer: Whilst we are passionate about great work experiences and relationships, we are not Human Resources (HR) experts and this information is general in nature. So, before acting on this or any other information, it is important to seek professional advice related directly to you and your circumstances.  Should you require our assistance with a referral to a relevant professional, contact your Primarius Team leader, or email us at

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