Primarius Blog - Macquarie Authenticator App

Muriel Oliver
News | 11 Jul 2024

From Monday 22 July 2024 if you use Macquarie banking you will need to download and activate the Macquarie Authenticator App.  This will ensure that 2-Step Authentication (2SA) is activated for all your Macquarie accounts - read more here on why 2SA is important.

If you have any problems setting up your Macquarie Authenticator then either contact Macquarie as per the flyer they have sent out or come in for a coffee and our team may assist you with setting it up on your phone. Either message or call our office mobile on 0412 921 813 or email us to set up an appointment.

We would also recommend that you take this opportunity to update all your other banking to 2SA for increased security.

Disclaimer: This information is general in nature and is not an opinion expressed by us. So, before acting on this or any other information, it is important to seek professional advice related directly to you and your circumstances.  Should you require our assistance, contact your Primarius Team leader, or email us at

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