Primarius Blog - Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) FY25

Muriel Oliver
Update | 6 Aug 2024

The Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) is charged to those not holding private health insurance, with their income falling in the following bands for the financial year ending 30 June 2025 (FY25):


Base tier

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Single threshold

$97,000 or less

$97,001 – $113,000

$113,001 – $151,000

$151,001 or more

Family threshold

$194,000 or less

$194,001 – $226,000

$226,001 – $302,000

$302,001 or more

Medicare levy surcharge






Remember the appropriate level of hospital cover needs to maintained, if in doubt check with your Private Health Insurance (PHI) provider.

For the full details refer to the ATO website - just click here.

Disclaimer: This information is general in nature and is not an opinion expressed by us. So, before acting on this or any other information, it is important to seek professional advice related directly to you and your circumstances.  Should you require our assistance, contact your Primarius Team leader, or email us at

“Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation”


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