Primarius Blog - Re-thinking meetings

Muriel Oliver
Update | 23 Feb 2024

Meetings can be a huge timewaster, here is the latest takeaway and suggestion of the 5 p's of meeting management.

  1. Purpose - what is the reason for the meeting?
  2. Participants - Who needs to be there and why?
  3. Process - What is the agenda and how do we keep the meeting to the planned time frame?
  4. Payoff - What needs to be achieved by the end of the meeting?
  5. Preparation - What preparation is expected from participants

We always talk about the WWWWWH&HM - the basic information needed to understand a problem/need and respond with a solution, turns out this perfectly summarises the meeting setup and planning as well.

Read this excellent article from MIT Sloan Management Review.

Disclaimer: This information is general in nature, and this is a complex area of law, and you should examine your eligibility for these concessions carefully under the criteria set out in the legislation, so before acting it is important to seek professional advice related directly to you and your circumstances, contact your Primarius team leader, or email us at if you require assistance.

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