Primarius Blog - Government co-contribution threshold for 30 June 2025 (FY25)

Muriel Oliver
Update | 3 Jun 2024

The  30 June 2025 (FY25) Government co-contribution threshold requirements are as follows:

- For a contribution of $1,000 the maximum government co-contribution is $500

- It is important to ensure your income falls within the lower income and higher income thresholds below

- The contribution must be made from after-tax i.e. non-deductible contributions


Refer to the full ATO update - just click here.

Disclaimer: This information is general in nature and is not an opinion expressed by us. So, before acting on this or any other information, it is important to seek professional advice related directly to you and your circumstances.  Should you require our assistance, contact your Primarius Team leader, or email us at

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