Primarius Blog - The cycles of buy and sell

Muriel Oliver
News | 6 Aug 2024

It is always interesting to watch the business buy and sell cycles.  We were catching up with the tax lawyers, as is our wont, and they mentioned the current "on again" trend of private equity groups buying businesses. Among these, some foreign interests are buying big in Australia including a British group currently consolidating Veterinary Practices and a US private equity group purchasing a large pathology provider.  

On the other hand Westpac today announced that it is shutting down the RAMS business subsidiary.

We see this trend of buy and sell repeating itself throughout the business environment and often wonder how much value is retained. In our client base, we have witnessed a disastrous private equity acquisition, where they ran the business under management for two years and then had to put it into liquidation. All good for our clients as the sellers, they survived unscathed, but seems like a pointless exercise for the purchasers. Makes one wonder...

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