Primarius Blog - Watch out for false e-sign emails

Muriel Oliver
Current event | 30 Jun 2023

We have noticed an increase in targeted phishing emails that closely resemble those sent by certain e-sign providers (particularly DocuSign). For more information on phishing emails, we recommend visiting the Australian Signals Directorate website (here: Phishing emails and texts |

Please note that we will always send you documents via an email from our team to view prior to sending a signing request.  We only use Adobe Sign for e-signatures, and the request will come from either or

If you have any concerns about any emails from us, do not reply or click on any links but contact us immediately as follows:

  • - email to
    • *** Note: you can either copy this from our website or type it in, be careful as phishers often use very similar email aliases with one letter different etc
  • - SMS to 0412 921 813
  • Call us: (08) 6313 1500 or 0412 921 813

This email was sent to me today (appearing to come from me!) and is clearly phishing and/or malware - you will never receive a signing email from us that looks like this.

Disclaimer: We are not Information Technology (IT) experts and this information is general in nature. So, before acting on this or any other information, it is important to seek professional advice related directly to you and your circumstances from an IT professional.  Should you require our assistance with a referral to a relevant professional, contact your Primarius Team leader, or email us at

“Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation”


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